Promoting Universalist Christian Spirituality Today

Universalist Christianity is not new. Universalist churches started in the eighteenth century, and were known as groups that preached against the doctrine of hell. Universalist have always believed that a loving God would never condemn people to eternal torment in hell.

Universalists organised themselves into the Universalist Church of America, and the General Baptist Assembly in Britain. Both of these organisations have now been absorbed into the Unitarian movement.

This website is an attempt to revive that Universalist spirit. Not to argue about theology or biblical interpretation, but to live out a twenty-first century spirituality that is rooted in direct experience of the universal and unconditional love of God. 

God loves every person and longs for a direct love relationship with every person. This website is about promoting the practice of prayer that allows every person to grow in their relationship with a loving God.


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