What is Universalist Christianity?

Universalist Christianity is a spiritual path based on the experience of the universal and unconditional love of God for every person. This really means every person regardless of religion, race, gender, class, nationality, or sexual orientation.

This universal divine love is not a belief or philosophy but something to be personally experienced in your own heart. Universalist Christian worship and prayer practices are designed to open your heart to experience the love of God directly.

God dwells within every thing and every person, therefore loving God means loving the earth and the people of the earth, especially the most oppressed. Love must lead to justice and peace for the earth.

We follow the teaching of Jesus, a human prophet who taught a radical spiritual path of love. Universalist Christians do not worship Jesus as god but rather follow him as a teacher and prophet. We also acknowledge there have been many other prophets in human history, and we learn from their teaching too.

We do not believe ours is the only one true spiritual path. Ours is a progressive spiritual path. We value curiosity and humility in finding new truth and learning new things, our path is not stuck in stone forever but improves and changes through time. We value study and learning and appreciate new knowledge, not only in religion but also in science and every human endeavour that seeks truth.


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